Changing the Narrative: Why Representation in Video Games Matters

New research highlights the need for greater diversity in video games, revealing that nearly half of gamers are women and most players value diverse characters. Explore our recommendations for inclusive game design and narrative development to better represent and engage underrepresented communities.

This Is Us? How TV Does and Doesn’t Get Men’s Caregiving

A man and a young girl are cozily sitting together; he's reading to her from a tablet. Their expressions are focused and tender—a snapshot of a family moment.

Analyzing 225 TV shows, our study reveals a shift towards more men in caregiving roles, yet often depicted as flawed. Urging for balanced, realistic portrayals, we advocate breaking gender stereotypes to inspire future storytelling in caregiving narratives.

The Scully Effect: I Want to Believe in STEM

dana scully scully effect

In partnership with 21st Century Fox, this study found that 63% of women who were familiar with Agent Scully of “The X Files” had greater confidence in pursuing a STEM career, thus illustrating the power of representation on screen