The Geena Davis Institute hosted an insightful virtual event titled "Inspiring Conversations: 'A Call to Spy' and the Unsung Female Heroes of WWII." The discussion centered around the film "A Call to Spy," which tells the stories of Virginia Hall and other extraordinary female spies during World War II. The event featured the film’s writer, producer, and star Sarah Megan Thomas, as well as director Lydia Dean Pilcher. The session attracted a diverse audience eager to learn more about the film, its production, and the powerful historical women it portrays.
Speakers and Panelists
Event Highlights
Moderated by Elizabeth Kilpatrick, Sr. Vice President of GDI, the event focused on making the film "A Call to Spy," and its significance. The movie chronicles the lives of three remarkable women who served as spies for the Allies during World War II. Actor, writer and producer, Sarah Megan Thomas, shared her journey of bringing Virginia Hall's story to life. According to the Nazis, Hall was one of the most dangerous Allied spies. Afterwards, Thomas expressed her initial shock that a full-length feature film on Hall had not yet been made, prompting her to write, produce, and star in the project based on this historical woman.
Next, Director Lydia Dean Pilcher highlighted the international backgrounds of the three women depicted in the film and the moral imperative that drove them to fight against fascism. Additionally, the discussion touched on the creative processes and the challenges of producing a World War II film on a tight budget, which was shot across locations in Philadelphia and Budapest.
In conclusion, the event was a celebration of storytelling, courage, and the power of film to shed light on the hidden heroes of history. Attendees left inspired to continue learning and advocating for the representation of diverse women’s stories in media.
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