Isabela Humphrey, a Mexico City-based illustrator and visual designer, created the artwork for Facebook’s new guide for businesses that celebrates women’s history, culture and community with insights and inspiration for Women’s History Month and beyond. But not only is it a celebration, it’s a moment of reflection on the gender imbalance women still face in 2021, from the number of jobs women lost compared to men during the pandemic to the ratio of women surveyed who cite the COVID-19 outbreak as a reason they’re considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce.
The guide acknowledges the challenges and the triumphs, providing insight and examples of how women have meaningfully advanced equality and empowerment within their communities. As progress depends on all of us, this guide for businesses includes immediate actions you can take to diversify your dollar, accelerate inclusive representation and share the stage to help amplify historically underrepresented voices.
“Yes, you can! Don’t doubt your abilities to take on new challenges that may be out of your comfort zone! Your network of contacts, mentors and supporters are your lifeline and you have to cultivate, nurture and maintain it the way you would care for a family member. Take the time to show your appreciation and acknowledge people who are peers and colleagues.”
— Madeline Di Nonno
President & CEO, Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media
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