In 2015, women accounted for one third of all speaking characters in films, only a 3 percent increase from the previous year, a new study found. This year’s “It’s a Man’s (Celluloid) World” examined 2,500 female characters in the top 100 domestic grossing films, and the study revealed only 34 percent of major characters were female, representing a modest increase from 2014. However, they do also represent recent historical highs.The study also revealed that females only comprised 22 percent of protagonists in all the films considered, which represents a 10 percent increase from 2014, an exceptionally bad year for women in film. The figure is six percent higher than it was in 2002. Read More…
Hollywood Sexism Continues: Women Had Just One Third of Speaking Roles in 2015 Movies, Study Shows
February 09, 2016