The Geena Davis Institute hosted an exciting virtual event to launch "Camp GoldieBlox: Adventures at Eureka Point," a new initiative aimed at promoting diversity in TV and STEM education. The show is a free, virtual STEM camp for kids & families. The event brought together a stellar lineup of speakers and panelists, including industry leaders, actors, and STEM trailblazers, to discuss the importance of diverse representation in media and to introduce the innovative new series, "Camp GoldieBlox: Adventures at Eureka Point."
Panelists and Speakers
Event Highlights:
The event kicked off with a warm welcome from Madeline Di Nonno, followed by insightful remarks from Debbie Sterling about the origins of GoldieBlox and its mission to dismantle stereotypes in STEM. Geena Davis emphasized the impact of media representation on young girls' career aspirations, highlighting the need for positive portrayals of women and girls in STEM fields. Afterwards, the cast of "Camp GoldieBlox" shared their experiences and excitement about the show, while Paula Garcia Todd conducted a fun DIY fidget toy experiment, demonstrating the practical applications of STEM concepts and the benefits of STEM education.
The event concluded with a Q&A in which cast members talked about what they like to do in their free time, STEM education, and interesting aspects of filming the show. They highlighted that they enjoyed the art work on the set, the technology involved in working with the green screen, and making TikTok videos during their downtime.
Key points included:
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