The Geena Davis Institute, in collaboration with Disney, hosted a special event to celebrate "Mira Royal Detective" in honor of Asian Pacific Heritage Month. The event featured a riveting discussion with Becca Topol, the show's creator, story editor, and co-producer, and Leela Ladnier, the voice of Mira. The virtual session also included a sneak peek of the special episode "The Mystery of the Marketplace and the Mystery of the Sand Dunes," and a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the show and the importance of achieving Asian Pacific diversity and representation in media.
Madeline Di Nonno opened the event by introducing the speakers and highlighting the importance of celebrating Asian Pacific Heritage Month through inclusive media. Then, Becca Topol expounded upon her six-year journey to create "Mira Royal Detective," and emphasized her collaborators' dedication to authenticity and cultural integrity. She detailed the collaborative process with cultural consultants and the all-South Asian cast and crew, which included a partnership with an animation studio in India.
Afterwards, Leela Ladnier spoke about how she landed the role of Mira and the excitement of bringing the character to life. She shared her background in acting, singing, and dancing, and expressed her gratitude for being part of such a culturally significant project. Both Becca and Leela discussed the importance of diverse representation in media and how "Mira Royal Detective" serves as an aspirational role model for all children and an important reference point for Asian Pacific diversity and representation.
The conversation also delved into the creative process behind the show's memorable music and choreography. Becca and Leela highlighted the contributions of the talented songwriters and choreographers who infused the show with authentic Bollywood-inspired elements.
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