The esteemed gathering, "A Night of Poetry Honoring Lucille Clifton," hosted at the SAG-AFTRA Foundation Screening Room, brought together renowned figures from the arts and literary worlds. The event celebrated the enduring legacy of the acclaimed poet Lucille Clifton, featuring readings of her works and discussions on the significance of the arts in societal development.
The night was not just a commemoration of Lucille Clifton's poetry but also a platform for discussing the broader impact of the arts in cultural and social contexts. The event successfully honored Lucille Clifton’s legacy, highlighting her influence on contemporary poetry and activism, and reinforcing the importance of mentorship and resource access in the arts, especially for underrepresented and underserved communities.
Celebrity Guest Speakers and Poem Readings:
Panel Discussion & Audience Engagement:
Madeline Di Nonno moderated a panel discussion, revisiting the themes of the evening and exploring the critical role of creative arts in contemporary society. The session then opened up for audience questions, fostering a lively and interactive dialogue.
The event concluded with closing remarks by Madeline Di Nonno and Sidney Clifton, followed by a post-event reception, allowing guests to mingle and reflect on the evening's inspiring tributes.