In the opening moments of the documentary, “This Changes Everything,” actress and executive producer of the movie, Geena Davis cracks a joke that is the heart of the film. Referring to the children’s books of “See Dick, See Jane,” Davis says,” I felt like we see Dick all the time. I want to see more Jane.” As founder of the Geena Davis Institute on Gender and Media, Davis calls her company, See Jane. Org. Davis says she was approached by director Tom Donahue to get involved as a sponsor in the film he had already been working on for two years and wanted her to be interviewed in the film. And yes, the director of a documentary about the lack of female directors and overall sexism and under-representation of women in Hollywood, is a man. It’s the first question Donahue addresses in a brief video panel after the airing of the film, set to open in theaters is August across the country. Read More…
Does It Change Everything? New Geena Davis Doc on Hollywood Tries To Change Inequities
August 02, 2019