To be an older woman working in Hollywood — and by older, I mean, sadly, anyone over the age of 30 or so — requires something of a Herculean effort. Women of any age have a hard time finding quality roles on-screen, but those whom the industry considers past their prime have an even more difficult time getting roles and staying relevant. A 2016 analysis by Clemson economists Robert Fleck and Andrew Hanssen found that after age 40, male actors get 80 percent of the leading roles available, leaving women with just 20 percent, according to The Washington Post — a fact that, while sadly not surprising, is disturbing enough to motivate activists and actors like Geena Davis to get involved in the fight for female equality on-screen. Read More…
This Disheartening Fact About Women Over 40 In Hollywood Is Exactly Why Geena Davis Is Fighting So Hard For Equality
February 03, 2017